The house you live in is in the perfect location but it’s getting too small. This means you’re more than likely thinking about renovating or extending your home to suit your lifestyle. Have you considered demolishing and starting from scratch to build your very own custom dream home?
To help figure out which option would be best for you we have put together some important considerations.
Renovating is an appealing option for many home owners for various reasons, however one huge factor is that you may be able to still live in the house while the renovations are being carried out which means you would be avoiding the costs of moving and rent.
A home renovation provides an opportunity to add your personal touch without having to demolish the house. Choosing to renovate means you can still keep the character of the home by retaining the original features but still adding more living space and improve the comfort and functionality of the house.
Renovating can increase the value of your property, which is great if you are planning on selling your house down the track.
You may have to work with the constraints of the existing design and limitations. Which means you may have to compromise on some of the elements of your dream home.
Knocking down a few walls may not seem difficult at the time but renovating comes with a lot of unknowns. Older homes can present major challenges and hidden surprises such as uneven floors, poor structural support, outdated plumbing and electrical systems.
While the idea of fixing up an older place may appeal to you it can also become an extremely expensive process, dealing with the unknown factors when renovating means that there is a real risk of cost blow-outs. While your custom home builder will be able to provide you with an estimate to your renovation, they cannot guarantee that there won’t be any unexpected costs to the project and it may get out of control very quickly!
Renovating may seem like a great idea but in the end be far more challenging option then starting from scratch.
One of the biggest advantages of knocking down and rebuilding is that you can create your very own custom dream home to suit your lifestyle without having any constraints to work within, it gives you complete control over the site, floor plan, façade, style and materials as well as any features and finishes you desire.
Building a new home means there are far less surprises. Knock down rebuilds don't have as much uncertainty around them when it comes to cost and blowouts like renovations do. Older homes tend to have more secrets and may take longer renovate then rebuild meaning you can enjoy your dream home sooner rather than later.
The biggest downside is that you lose the charm that only older places have, while modern homes can be better in a lot of ways they rarely compete with the character of the older styles.
While the rebuilding is taking place you will need to find alternate accommodation, this of course will add an overall expense until the project is completed.
By choosing a reputable custom home builder it means there will be a lot less potential for cost blow-outs. We at George Henry Homes will give you a fixed price on the cost from start to finish.
So, before you decide if you should renovate or rebuild make sure carefully weigh up all the options. Feel free to contact George at George Henry Homes for a FREE PROJECT ASSESSMENT to discuss your dreams, aspirations and the best option for your dream custom home.
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